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Gideon Grammar One with Videos

Gideon Grammar One with Videos

Grammar knowledge is the foundation to good writing and speaking. Poor grammar can lead to confusion. Poor grammar skills are not well received by employers and college professors.  It is important to have proper grammar to get your point across properly in a speech,...

5 Ways to Ace Standardized Testing

5 Ways to Ace Standardized Testing

Standardized testing has permeated our society for all ages, including some for 3 year olds at elite private pre-schools.  While you may agree or disagree with its usefulness, likely you have to deal with it either for yourself or your child.  If we're going to do...

Handwriting Matters

Handwriting Matters

With typing on keyboards becoming the norm and cursive seemingly becoming a lost art, does handwriting matter? Does it help us in any way? The article, How Handwriting Trains the Brain, at highlights new research which proves it be beneficial in cognitive...

Ways to Make Your Children Smarter

Ways to Make Your Children Smarter

In this article on Barking Up the Wrong Tree blog, the author gives a great list of ways to improve your child’s academic performance.  Here are a few. 1) Get Good Sleep While this may seem like basic knowledge, many students today are doing more and more activities...

Mistakes Can Create Success

Mistakes Can Create Success

Intelligence is the measure of the brain's ability to acquire and apply certain knowledge and skills. We know the human brain can grow, change, and even rewire itself to meet new standards. This ability of the brain is called brain plasticity. By correcting mistakes,...

Math at Sea with Logarithms

For more: go HERE to the site to answer questions and get more resources about this lesson such as more history about Napier shown in the video below.  Some insight into the Lattice method is shown as well.

A Case for Algorithms

A Case for Algorithms

In THIS article, "The Faulty Logic of The Math Wars" in the New York Times, Alice Crary, a philosophy professor, and W. Stephen Wilson, a math professor argue that the ideals that math reformists claim to be working towards when removing standard algorithms (such as...

Parents, education starts with you!

This is a heart warming article from about how one girl is so grateful for her father's involvement and interest in her education as it really made a difference. Here’s a sweet Fathers Day piece by Santa Clara University student Nicole Pal about how...

Ways to Make Your Children Smarter

Ways to Make Your Children Smarter

In this article on Barking Up the Wrong Tree blog, the author gives a great list of ways to improve your child’s academic performance.  Here are a few. 1) Get Good Sleep While this may seem like basic knowledge, many students today are doing more and more activities...

Mistakes Can Create Success

Mistakes Can Create Success

Intelligence is the measure of the brain's ability to acquire and apply certain knowledge and skills. We know the human brain can grow, change, and even rewire itself to meet new standards. This ability of the brain is called brain plasticity. By correcting mistakes,...

Parents, education starts with you!

This is a heart warming article from about how one girl is so grateful for her father's involvement and interest in her education as it really made a difference. Here’s a sweet Fathers Day piece by Santa Clara University student Nicole Pal about how...

Kick off summer reading!

Kick off summer reading!

Summer is here! Camp! Swimming! All day play! Reading!
Wait, what?
Yes, reading! Think of all the time now your child has to get lost in a book. This is a great way to avoid the summer slide of losing some of the great comprehension skills gained during school year. Your child can read about new places and fun experiences while gaining vocabulary and background knowledge that will aid in the fall.

Embrace the Mistakes

Embrace the Mistakes

No one enjoys mistakes, but we all make them.  Did you ever think it could be beneficial to admit to them?  Kathryn Schulz, the author of Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error writes about the good side to being wrong in this article. Is there anything at...