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Kick off summer reading!

Kick off summer reading!

Summer is here! Camp! Swimming! All day play! Reading!
Wait, what?
Yes, reading! Think of all the time now your child has to get lost in a book. This is a great way to avoid the summer slide of losing some of the great comprehension skills gained during school year. Your child can read about new places and fun experiences while gaining vocabulary and background knowledge that will aid in the fall.

What it feels like to be bad at math

What it feels like to be bad at math

Via The author of the blog Math with Bad Drawings is a current math teacher (and former math student) and discusses the feelings and actions of someone who is floundering at math from both his teaching and his own experiences. As a math teacher, it’s...

Embrace the Mistakes

Embrace the Mistakes

No one enjoys mistakes, but we all make them.  Did you ever think it could be beneficial to admit to them?  Kathryn Schulz, the author of Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error writes about the good side to being wrong in this article. Is there anything at...

10 Steps Toward Better Writing

While at Gideon we don't focus on writing long essays, we do recognize the need for this skill.  In high school and college, you'll need to be able to write two to ten (TEN?!) page papers.  Don't think being a STEM based major will allow you to avoid them either. ...

Learning Apps for Kids

We know kids love smart phones, ipads, and like.  I hear that two year-olds can navigate better than their parents sometimes.  While we still believe in limited technology time, here are some learning apps for little ones that will make the time spent on the devices a...

Learning Apps for Kids

We know kids love smart phones, ipads, and like.  I hear that two year-olds can navigate better than their parents sometimes.  While we still believe in limited technology time, here are some learning apps for little ones that will make the time spent on the devices a...

Global Report Card

Global Report Card

A really cool website,, has compiled a massive amount of data to compare ANY school district in America against the state, nation, and even international students. While we hear about how our national education is failing our students, maybe it's...

Persistence Predicts Success

Persistence Predicts Success

One of the big benefits of a program like Gideon is the ability to train a child to focus on a task for period of time.  Another great skill learned through repetition (when needed) is perseverance through difficult tasks pays off by making that task easier!  We feel...