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Motivation, Not IQ, Matter Most in Math

In this article from TIME, the author discusses that while higher IQ can give an initial boost, hard work and effort are what is needed to succeed in math especially in middle and high school. We see this often at Gideon. Children who initially struggled through...

Global Report Card

Global Report Card

A really cool website,, has compiled a massive amount of data to compare ANY school district in America against the state, nation, and even international students. While we hear about how our national education is failing our students, maybe it's...

Beating Back the Math Demons

Here is a lovely story about how persistence, practice, and patience can overcome a severe math anxiety. From, a 6th grade math teacher, Marilyn DePietto, speaks about how through learning and memorizing the basics and through daily practice in tutoring, a...

Is txtng bad 4 kidz gramr?

Is txtng bad 4 kidz gramr?

Textspeak has become popular among young and old alike.  The speed at which you can respond with simple shortcuts like PLMK (please let me know) mimics a quick conversation.  In case you aren't up on all the acronymns, here's a reference to help you decipher tricky...

Persistence Predicts Success

Persistence Predicts Success

One of the big benefits of a program like Gideon is the ability to train a child to focus on a task for period of time.  Another great skill learned through repetition (when needed) is perseverance through difficult tasks pays off by making that task easier!  We feel...

Reading to Your Baby: Storytime Is Good

Reading to Your Baby: Storytime Is Good

From By Brighid Moret June 15, 2012 – The picture of a child on a parent’s lap with a picture book open in front of them is common, but when it comes to infants, is it more entertaining for the parent than the child? The answer is no....

1963 to 2011: How kindergarten math has changed

1963 to 2011: How kindergarten math has changed

Interesting blast from the past! Critics of the American education system note how we teach SO many topics each year while not going into great depth of any.  Higher performing countries teach less topics per year and do not need to repeat them over several years as...