Welcome! We are so glad you have chosen Gideon to achieve your child’s math goals.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sending you items from our 10 Secrets to Gideon Success Checklist.
These will help your child make the BEST progress and gain the MOST confidence in math. Let’s get started!

2) Do the Gideon homework each day. Make Gideon a priority before scheduling TV time or other activities. Each subject should only take about 15 minutes or less per day. Gideon works best when the booklets are done at home five days and at the center two days each week. Gideon is very much like piano practice. Your child’s progress depends on this daily routine. Taking days off on a regular basis will hamper advancement. The recommended number of pages is clearly marked on the cover for each booklet. Please ensure the work has actually been done. Be consistent!

3) Grade your child’s math drill work that is done at home each day. Then ensure the child has corrected any mistakes afterwards. Homegrading is quick and easy with our provided answer keys in the middle of each booklet. This gives your child the immediate feedback to learn from mistakes by doing corrections while the problems are still fresh. Students tend to be more focused and accurate knowing their work will be graded afterwards. Also, this is a good way to monitor and show interest in your child’s Gideon progress. You do not need to home grade any other booklets beyond the math drill. All others (reading, grammar, and math word problems) will be graded and corrected at the center. Generally, it is your child’s responsibility to complete this work independent of parent involvement in order to build a strong foundation.