Welcome, Gideon Parents!
Start with Success
After your student’s diagnostic evaluation from our math and reading center, we’ll determine a comfortable starting place for your child in our curriculum. This initial starting point is meant to not only provide review but also to build confidence and success from the beginning. With a solid foundation, your student is ready for all challenges.
Beyond Grade Level
The primary goal of our reading and math centers, online or in-person, is to enable children to succeed in academics beyond grade level by filling in any holes and gaps in their foundation. Your child will learn new concepts at his own pace without any pressure of grades. With a strong commitment, your student is assured of achievement.
No Limits
Our mission is to provide an affordable, individualized, self-paced, and most of all effective approach to learning that enables children to build confidence through mastery. We know what parents are looking for in tutors. With our over 30 years of experience in education, we have witnessed that through daily, disciplined effort with the Gideon curriculum, there are no limits in a child’s capacity to learn.
How can we help our child achieve the MAXIMUM results?
Do come to class once or twice a week. We need to monitor your child’s progression at our in-person or online math and reading centers, answer any questions, make sure all corrections are understood, and provide encouragement to you and your family. We are your support system.
Do the Gideon homework each day. Make Gideon a priority before scheduling TV time or other activities. Gideon is very much like piano practice. Your child’s progress depends on this daily routine. Taking days off on a regular basis will hamper advancement. The recommended number of pages is clearly marked on the cover for each booklet. Be consistent!
Be involved with the work by listening to oral reading lists or math facts warm-ups. If your student is studying math, practice oral facts from the math drill booklet’s front inside cover and grade your student’s math drill work each day using the given answer key found in the middle of the booklet. Have him correct any of those mistakes and be sure the right answer is achieved before moving on. Young reading students will need your attention while they are learning letter names and sounds or sounding out words. Whether your student is receiving tutoring in-person or at our online reading and math center, you do not need to home grade any other booklets beyond the math drill. All others (reading, grammar, and math word problems) will be graded and corrected at the center. Parents looking for tutors need to know it is generally your child’s responsibility to complete this work independent of parent involvement in order to build a strong foundation.
Be patient with new concepts and/or repetitions of booklets. Repetition, if necessary, is so important to prepare for more advanced learning as well as standardized testing. While mastering a skill, sometimes extra practice is needed. Does anyone become proficient at scoring soccer goals during the first practice? Likely not! Addition facts should be treated the same way. Mastering a skill with confidence is different than simply understanding how to do it. Some students may want to stop the program when the work becomes more challenging. This is the most important time to encourage and persevere. It is better to learn and master new topics at Gideon and always stay a step ahead.
Communicate to your child that YOU always are in charge. Be ready to encourage your student on those days he may resist completing his work. Never allow your child to be disrespectful to you. Those bad habits will become difficult to break. Remember that Gideon is an investment for his future!
Communicate any concerns with your instructor. To all the parents looking for tutors, we are excited to work with your student! Feel free at any time to call or email questions about your child’s progress.
Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Gideon Math and Reading program.
How long will it be before we see progress?
The key to speedy progress is doing the work EVERY day. Taking one day off here and there will not make much difference, but taking three days off will slow the momentum. While you will see some progress in 1-2 months with daily work, vast changes will be apparent after 6-12 months.
My child knows how to do this. Why are were starting here?
Why are we repeating this booklet?
What is a typical Gideon center experience for my child?
All learners will have a specific appointment time and will sit at a table with a student to teacher ratio of 3:1 on average. Young learners are given extra attention for their oral reading and focusing needs. Remember that all students are doing work specific to their starting point and performance unlike school where everyone in a grade does the same thing at the same time. MATH: Students will do an oral facts warm-up (unless still in Beginning Math) upon arrival. Then they will complete four new pages either in the math drill booklet or its test that will be timed, graded, and corrected. Afterwards, one page of math word problems will be completed. All pages in this booklet will be graded once the booklet is finished. New concepts will be explained, and once all corrections are completed, students will be sent home with enough work for daily homework until the next class. READING: Students will do four new pages in their reading booklet, and later Young Learner students will orally read a storybook if they are in Word Builders while Independent Learners may be doing grammar. All pages in the reading and grammar booklets will be graded once the booklet is completed. New concepts will be explained, and once all corrections are completed, students will be sent home with enough work for daily homework until the next class.
Why do I need to home grade my child’s math work?
What is the best way to do Gideon work at home?
Setting aside the same time each day will help create the ‘Gideon habit’ and avoid arguments about when to do it. Remove any distractions such as TV, pets, siblings, or friends. Many children do best in the morning when they are fresh, but it may be less stressful to do it later in the day during the school year. Decide on a routine that works best for your family and stick with it each day!
How should I handle resistance?
I only want to challenge my child. Why can’t she work in algebra?
Most importantly, believe in your child. He will amaze you with what he can accomplish. The possibilities are endless when you build confidence through mastery learning.
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Kind words from our Gideon families
Keep your child’s education on track
Step 1
Choose your Gideon
Math & Reading center location
Step 2
Complete your free in-person student placement evaluation
Step 3
Build confidence through academic mastery of math and reading skills!